This is my must-have recipe for Thanksgiving, passed down to me by my grandmother. These delicious stuffing balls are crispy on the outside and soft on...
This old-fashioned dressing is a great side dish for the Thanksgiving or alongside roast chicken. Made with saltine crackers, celery, onions, and herbs,...
This is a very basic and simple stuffing recipe that my Grandma Ruth was famous for. You can easily replace the eggs with an egg substitute with no noticeable...
For those who haven't completely given up on homemade stuffing and are looking for a simple, memorable stuffing, this recipe - and it's tasty variations...
These little gems have all the flavors of traditional stuffing but are made in the air fryer. Slightly crunchy on the outside with a soft interior. They...
A great recipe for stuffing a turkey. It is very moist! A pinch of marjoram can be added to this dish in addition to or in place of thyme. Try putting...
This savory stuffing is a little tangy and a little sweet. And it's so easy to make that you won't have to wait for a holiday to enjoy this dish with your...
This is a wonderful semi-homemade stuffing with lots of flavor and textures. I made this for Thanksgiving and I got a lot of compliments and it was all...
I needed to recreate a family favorite to work with my allergies. This is a perfect basic stuffing recipe. Delicious as is, or ripe for your favorite add-ins!...
An electric pressure cooker like the Instant Pot® can help during the holidays when you are pressed for stovetop or oven space. This dressing is flavorful...
This is a recipe handed down from my Grandmother. My kids request it each year at the holidays. It is a rich, delicious holiday stuffing. Because this...
Stuffing cubes mixed with corn, celery and onion and served up in individual portions. Given to me by a friend at work. Easy. Nice addition for holiday...
This recipe makes a HUGE amount of stuffing--enough to stuff a 24 lb. turkey--so adjust the ingredient amounts as needed. The flavors of bacon and bourbon...
This is a decidedly nontraditional way of making dressing, but packs a lot of flavor with few ingredients! The best part, the portion size is perfect for...
This dish is a holiday tradition in our family that dates back several generations. I think its origins are from the Pennsylvania Dutch country. It is...
Cooking low fat is important to me. I developed this stuffing recipe when my father had surgery and needed to go on a low fat diet. Chicken broth and fat...
Italian style, with prosciutto, salami and pepperoni. My grandfather made this stuffing whenever he made a turkey. We all loved it so much that he had...
This old-fashioned dressing is a great side dish for the Thanksgiving or alongside roast chicken. Made with saltine crackers, celery, onions, and herbs,...